Love.Law.Robots. — 16 August 2021

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It's August! This newsletter came slightly late this time because I spent a few evenings playing computer games. Tsk. The Battle of Polytopia reminded me of a condensed Civilization, which is great because I still need to work the next morning. Get the Humble Bundle and do something for charity!


Tech Law Fest Special Edition

Now let's get back to the newsletter.


Over three days in September, Tech.Law.Fest happens in Singapore. There's a lot of talking involved over the three days on a cornucopia of topics that someone with legal knowledge might be interested in. It's going to be in person as well as virtual.

These talks are organised according to four ideas — “Legal Operations”, “Law of Technology”, “Access to Justice” and “Technology of Law”. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that each of them gets equal or even some representation — “law of technology” features at least half of every day, while tangential topics lightly touch the others.

The best day seems to be Friday — 24 September 2021. You will get to hear Mary O'Carroll, a huge name in Legal Operations, speak in one of the few sessions featuring a panel. So if you are going to pick only one day to turn up, maybe you should pick this day.

Tech.Law.Fest also features something they call “matchworking”, an in-person networking session that greatly benefits from the recent relaxation of meeting rules in Singapore (you can have fun if you're vaccinated). They are organised into four tracks like the topics; you have no idea when a topic is happening, and you might be charged $100 for no show. I ain't a big fan of wine either. So I am a bit hesitant to put my name on this. You can still register your interest.

Here's something new — there's an ALITA SOLIA Award thing that has a public voting section happening next week. There's not much information on who is up for voting. So I reckon we have to keep checking.

As you can tell from my fairly unvarnished take on the event, no one is paying me to write about it. Nevertheless, I will be figuring out whether there is a way to post Twitter updates of hot takes, so I don't need to write a 20-minute long article on this blog. Follow my Twitter!

Let's be grateful that we can see the light of the tunnel. In terms of event design, Tech.Law.Fest seems to have suffered and adapted to the whiplashes caused by the pandemic, so one should applaud their efforts. (I haven't heard much about the other major Singapore legal conferences like IAPP Asia). It's still an exciting time to write a blog!

I'm still figuring out how to write this blog

Iced Coffee in a glassImage by cromaconceptovisual from Pixabay

Bravo to our new full subscriber! I have been writing this blog for over 2 years now, but I am s.till humbled by the many new things I am still learning in this journey.

So far, I have been feeling my way around this blog or newsletter stuff. For the initial product, everything was free, but it was unsustainable. I didn't run out of ideas or words in my head, but I wasn't sure whether this was worth my time. Some feedback, in whatever form, was important to keep things going.

As such, paying for a subscription shouldn't be seen as a transaction. At 1 cup of kopi a month, you're keeping the lights on in this room and pushing me to come up with more ideas to create value. So, if you ain't one already, do consider signing up.

Of course, there are other ways to contribute, such as providing feedback on what I have written or what kind of content you would like to see. When I talk about books on the blog, you can also use the affiliate links to purchase them and support the blog.

Let's build something together!

That's it!

Thanks for reading, and feel free to reach out!

#Newsletter #blog #TechLawFest

Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu