Love.Law.Robots. by Ang Hou Fu


I write about why I decided to move from Ghost to Writefreely.

My blog has been a curious fixture in my family.

I never think of myself as a “sales” man. I've seen many classmates sell more raffle tickets than me in school. Heck, I even thought that making partner was too much for me. Convincing people to hand over their cash? That's not me.

It's essential, though. One of my first lessons as an associate was that research and submissions count for nothing until the client pays the invoice. Being a law firm partner is not so much about being the sharpest knife in the firm but bringing in the dough. You have to network, you have to serve, and you've got to make people hand over the money.

Part of growing up (read: growing old) is being more comfortable with your skin. Lately, I have recognised other traits in me — tenacity, a willingness to try, and under all that unwillingness to socialise with others, gobs of empathy. I can think of some jobs I am uncomfortable with, but I must keep finding something that fits me.

That's what this blog is about, and it will stay that way for a while.


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In 2021, I discovered something exciting — an application of machine learning that was both mind-blowing and practical.

The premise was simple. Type a description of the code you want in your editor, and GitHub Copilot will generate the code. It was terrific, and many people, including myself, were excited to use it.

🚀 I just got access to @github Copilot and it's super amazing!!! This is going to save me so much time!! Check out the short video below! #GitHubCopilot I think I'll spend more time writing function descriptions now than the code itself :D

— abhishek (@abhi1thakur) June 30, 2021

The idea that you can prompt a machine to generate code for you is obviously interesting for contract lawyers. I believe we are getting closer every day. I am waiting for my early access to Spellbook.

As a poorly trained and very busy programmer, it feels like I am a target of Github Copilot. The costs was also not so ridiculous. (Spellbook Legal costs $89 a month compared to Copilot's $10 a month) Even so, I haven't tried it for over a year. I wasn’t comfortable enough with the idea and I wasn’t sure how to express it.

Now I can. I recently came across a website proposing to investigate Github Copilot. The main author is Matthew Butterick. He’s the author of Typography for Lawyers and this site proudly uses the Equity typeface.

GitHub Copilot investigation · Joseph Saveri Law Firm & Matthew ButterickGitHub Copilot investigation

In short, the training of GitHub Copilot on open source repositories it hosts probably raises questions on whether such use complies with its copyright licenses. Is it fair use to use publicly accessible code for computational analysis? You might recall that Singapore recently passed an amendment to the Copyright Act providing an exception for computational data analysis. If GitHub Copilot is right that it is fair use, any code anywhere is game to be consumed by the learning machine.

Of course, the idea that it might be illegal hasn’t exactly stopped me from trying.

The key objection to GitHub Copilot is that it is not open source. By packaging the world’s open-source code in an AI model, and spitting it out to its user with no context, a user only interacts with Github Copilot. It is, in essence, a coding walled garden.

Copi­lot intro­duces what we might call a more self­ish inter­face to open-source soft­ware: just give me what I want! With Copi­lot, open-source users never have to know who made their soft­ware. They never have to inter­act with a com­mu­nity. They never have to con­tribute.

For someone who wants to learn to code, this enticing idea is probably a double-edged sword. You could probably swim around using prompts with your AI pair programmer, but without any context, you are not learning much. If I wanted to know how something works, I would like to run it, read its code and interact with its community. I am a member of a group of people with shared goals, not someone who just wants to consume other people’s work.

Matthew Butterick might end up with enough material to sue Microsoft, and the legal issues raised will be interesting for the open-source community. For now, though, I am going to stick to programming the hard way.

#OpenSource #Programming #GitHubCopilot #DataMining #Copyright #MachineLearning #News #Newsletter #tech #TechnologyLaw

Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu

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One can have a variety of opinions about the pandemic but I will insist on this one. It made everyone treat online not as a cute sideshow, but as an essential part of working life.

While stuck at home, I made it a point to attend any conference or talk online that seemed adjacent to my interests. I attended talks on machine learning and AI. I even learnt a bit of linguistics.

One of the more life-changing seminars I attended was the first Bucerius Legal Tech Essentials in 2020. In short, I highly recommend it for someone who doesn't have much time but needs to dive deep and swim wide in this field. They lived up to their taglines: “ Curated. Intense. Remote.

You swim wide because they cover a wide gamut of speakers, from academics, thought leaders and entrepreneurs with their own LegalTech companies.

You dive deep mainly because the speakers are talking about their expertise (this isn't a panel show). I recalled that many speakers took questions, so you can engage with them.

The only bad thing was that since all the speakers were based on both sides of the Atlantic, the timing was horrendous for the other side of the world. I remember falling asleep in front of my desk, trying to figure out the Six Sigma rule around 1 in the morning.

Nevertheless, I didn't think I was the only person from South East Asia attending the talks. During the customary roll call of various attendees at the start of each session, you would get a taste of how global interest in LegalTech was.

People in Singapore would also get a taste of Bucerius Legal Tech Essentials when Prof Daniel Katz, one of the “hosts” of Legal Tech Essentials, gave a lecture in 2021 at SMU, Singapore. It was a whirlwind of 500 slides in 60 minutes. Note that there are no certifications or brownie points for attending or interacting. These people stayed up late for the LegalTech.

It seems that being in Singapore has borne other fruit. 2022's Legal Tech Essentials would feature timings more convenient for this part of the world. This means 8:30 pm here... which I reckon is a marked improvement over 1 am.

Legal Tech Essentials 2022Curated, Intense, Remote.You can sign up for updates at their site.

So if you're interested in the field but don't know where to start, I strongly recommend this. I didn't enjoy it as much in 2021 since I found most topics less effective a second time. Maybe I will give this another try.

At the end of 2021, I repeatedly feared that online seminars would be buried and in-person conferences would be back in vogue. I'm glad that Legal Tech Essentials is back and still remote. It was a light in a very dark time of the pandemic, but now I hope it will still light a few light bulbs to anyone interested in Legal and Technology.

#Newsletter #LegalTech #Lawyers #News #tech #TechnologyLaw #Training #Presentation

Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu

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I was shocked when Mailgun informed me that they would charge me $35 a month to send emails. $35 for sending 150 emails a month is a tad ridiculous. In the end, I managed to switch to a more suitable plan. Since I switched from Ghost(Pro) to a self-hosted install, these costs seem to keep popping out.

It reminds me that this blog is still a modest operation, and every little development is a blessing to me.

How much does it cost to run Love.Law.Robots?I code. I law. I am a unicorn.Love.Law.Robots.HoufuFind out more about the costs involved in running a blog.

New Features for Members

Since I started blogging in 2017, this blog has gone through several guises. WordPress on OpenLiteSpeed, Hugo/Jekyll and now Ghost.

I was drawn to Ghost last year because of its newsletter and membership features. Writing a newsletter was a new frontier then. It also solved my concern about knowing how to write more personally and professionally simultaneously.

SubscriptionWhy you should subscribe to Love.Law.Robots. This is my quirky little blog detailing my journeys in the world of tech and law. Subscribing to this blog gives you lots of nice things: 1. Analysis: Bringing my unique vantage as a coder, a lawyer, and someone from a differentLove.Law.Robots.HoufuSome of my motivations for doing a newsletter are also mentioned here.

I didn't realise that I was growing up with the platform too. Ghost has introduced several new features since I joined. Here are a few which popped up in recent weeks.

You can now comment on posts:

Interact with the post. Give it a go!

I've long been sceptical of comments on blog posts. (I still remember reading weird offers on my WordPress blog. The name Akismet still rings bells in my head.) I reckon they are an exciting way to interact with my writing.

Whatever my feelings about blog comments, you can be sure that I will read the comment you post almost immediately.

To post a comment, scroll to the bottom of the post, right before the related post section. Click on a box and start a conversation!

Oh, you have to be a member too. Subscribing is free!

If you receive this newsletter via email, you always have the option of replying to the email to talk to me directly.



Search is hard to do, but thanks to Ghost, I finally have it.

Now you can access all the posts in my 4-year archive by searching for keywords. The search also allows you to access content by tags to see groups of posts under specific themes.

Check out the video to find the magnifying glass button and give it a try!

Features – Love.Law.Robots.Love.Law.Robots.On the other hand, I tried having these headline posts so that you can find additional content in the archives. Several posts are members only!

Premium Member newsletters?!

I now can make paid subscriber-only previews. (Previously, the only way I can make paid subscriber content is to mark them as paid only)

As the months go by, I have come up with an easy separation. I publish all my tutorials and lengthy posts on the blog and send out personal, direct communications via the newsletter. (I am betting that if you subscribe, you are interested to know more about me and my projects)

It's unclear how to do this exclusive paid subscriber-only content. The suggestion is to create a content funnel by getting readers to want more. I am still figuring out what's the best way.


I am always excited to try new features and bring them to you. Hopefully with these recent changes, I can get more value to you. How else do you think I can improve the experience on this blog? Use the comments!

#blog #News #Newsletter

Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu

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I wrote this “emergency” post to note that after what seemed to be a lifetime of debate, the government has given the most unambiguous indication that section 377A of the Penal Code will be repealed.

Section 377A is a provision inherited from our colonial masters criminalising sex between men, including in private.

Although this is a hot topic and has something to do with law and love, I've stayed away from it on this blog mainly because you can find other places with better write-ups on it. In case anyone wants my opinion on it, I don't know why it's taken so long and become so hard.

e-Archive | SAcLJ | AP Journals Onlinee-First MenuEven the former Chief Justice waded in.

Section 377A is ridiculous because it's straightforward why it should be repealed. Simply stated, we don't put men who have sex with each other in jail. However, the repeal of section 377A has become an apocalyptic symbol of the downfall of society for some.

This brings me to the uneasy compromise: I wouldn't accept having a constitutional amendment to “enshrine” marriage between a man and a woman for the repeal of section 377A. It's like we decided to recognise the dignity of gay couples only to take it away at the same time.

Not just vanilla illegal, but constitutionally illegal. They're going to amend the supreme law of the land—the one that all other laws have to align with—to say that we, Singapore, as a country, do not and will not recognise same-sex couples as a legal family unit.

— Kirsten Han 韩俐颖 (@kixes) August 21, 2022

I am not sure this constitutional amendment makes sense politically. Section 377A is inherited, so we can't blame the government of the day for it. On the other hand, they will own a constitutional provision which apparently can't be challenged in court, so they can't pass off its effects to the courts as they do for the death penalty.

Constitutional amendments are easy now because the government has had a supermajority forever. It's not clear whether this will be the case in the future. If for some reason, we are stuck with something more challenging to change than section 377A, we now risk splintering society even further with no easy way out.

I feel that this “compromise” was meant to end the debate on LGBTQ issues by giving these weird people whatever they were clamouring for in the first place.

Bigger fights are on the way: workplace discrimination is among the most interesting ones for me. Marriage for all sorts of couples? That's another big one that we've never debated (but is now going to be constitutionally enshrined?).

Will Singapore’s new workplace discrimination law be a win for equality?By conflating protectionism with traditional workplace discrimination, we risk creating a watered-down law that fails to address the real discrimination faced by people from from marginalised groups.JomDaryl Yang

So, I honestly think this compromise is a trojan horse, and I would never have accepted it if it was up to me. However, that's my principles, and I think the current situation demands we take what the government of the day has given us.

If you, like me, feel a bit discouraged that this debate has ended this way, I would remind myself of this: There is one difference between the people who would like marriage equality and those who don't. Only one of these groups has real victims who are hurt by the policies we chose as a society. When we recognise them, there is only one answer to these questions.

So, have faith that love conquers all. Good night.

#blog #News #Newsletter #Government #Law #Singapore

Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu

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If you spent long enough coding, you would meet this term: refactoring. The Agile Alliance defines it as “improving the internal structure of an existing program’s source code, while preserving its external behavior”. To paint a picture, it's like tending your garden. Get rid of some leaves, trim the hedges, and maybe add some accessories. It's still a garden, but it's further away from ruin.

In real life, I don't have a garden, and I also hate gardening. It's not the dirt, it's the work.

Similarly, I am also averse to refactoring. The fun is bringing your idea to life and figuring out the means to get there. Improving the work? I will do that some other day.

Lately, I have had the chance to revisit some work. In my latest post, I transform my pdpc-decisions work to scrapy. It's something I put off for nearly a year because I was not looking forward to learning a new framework to do something I had already accomplished.

Take your web scraping to a new level: Let’s play with scrapyChanging my code to scrapy, a web scraping framework for Python, was challenging but reaped many dividends.Love.Law.Robots.HoufuPlease don't be too put off by the cute spider picture.

In the end, the procrastination didn't make sense. I was surprised I completed the main body of code within a few days. It turned out that my previous experience writing my web scraper helped me to understand the scrapy framework better.

On the other hand, revisiting my old code made me realise how anachronistic my old programming habits were. The programmer in me in 2020 was much different than I am now. The code I would like to write now should get the job done and be easy to read and maintain.

I reckon in many ways, wanting the code to be so perfect that I could leave it out of my mind forever grew from my foundation as a lawyer. Filings, once submitted, can't be recalled. Contracts, once signed, are frozen in its time.

My experience with technology made this way of thinking seem obsolete. Our products are moulded by our circumstances, by what is available at the time. As things change, the story doesn't end; it's only delineated in chapters. The truth is that there will always be another filing, and a contract can always be amended.

I reckon that lawyers shouldn't be stuck in their old ways, and we should actively consider how to improve the way we work. As time goes by, what we have worked on becomes forgotten because it's hard to read and maintain. I think we owe it to society to ensure that our skills and knowledge are not forgotten, or at least ensure that the next person doesn't need to walk the same path repeatedly.

As I look into what else in my code needs refactoring, I think: does the code need to be changed because the circumstances have changed, or because I have changed? Sometimes, I am not sure. Honestly. 🤔

Data Science with Judgement Data – My PDPC Decisions JourneyAn interesting experiment to apply what I learnt in Data Science to the area of law.Love.Law.Robots.HoufuHere's a target for more refactoring!

#Newsletter #Lawyers #scrapy #WebScraping #Programming

Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu

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It's a simple problem. I wanted to compare two sections of legislation and show the changes in a “redline” format, which is very familiar to lawyers.

The bottom panel shows the changes in redlines.

As this was not the central part of the project, I didn't want to spend too much time developing it. So, I tried assiduously to find a library in the vast Python ecosystem which could do such a thing. Strangely, I could not find anything similar. Maybe, everyone was okay with difflib, a module in the standard Python library.

However, I wasn't happy, and due to the nature of my project, it was a legitimate concern.

Notwithstanding my fairly mediocre programming skills, I managed to conjure up a module that builds on difflib. That adventure is the subject of the latest post on Love.Law.Robots:

So what difference does it make? Drawing red lines with PythonA little tweak to a standard python library transforms it into a tool used to show changes in text for lawyers.Love.Law.Robots.Houfu

In this case, Python provided me with the means to build my solution with as little code as possible. In the end, it's about the ecosystem and community. This is what “low code” or “no-code” should look like.

I was also surprised that there is no open-source library to convert changes into markdown this way. Well, there is one now:

GitHub – houfu/redlinesContribute to houfu/redlines development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHubhoufu

There's certainly a lot of space in the LegalTech for open-source ( i.e. there's hardly any open-source LegalTech). Unfortunately, while successful, fully-formed projects like docassemble are rare unicorns, what's essential is an ecosystem of low-level utilities to enable others to build a system.

It's hardly glorious, but it's there for the taking for an intrepid lawyer-coder.

Maybe, I should consider sharing with Open Source Legal. Although I reckon I need to hack on the solution more.

Happy coding!


Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu

Welcome to the final edition of the member's newsletter for 2021! It's over a week to Christmas and the end of the year, so I will be taking a short break to eat chocolates and finish up all the excess wine I ordered. I hope you get to meet up with your loved ones and be merry too.

Postscript – Supersized

I was blessed this year since I received more feedback on my writing.

The screen shows the top pages from June 2021 to December 2021 (from my Matomo install). Feel free to read the top posts.

While the last six months featured perennial favourites from previous years, it also features new entrants like my post on Monopoly Junior.

More gratefully, readers have also reached out to me this year than previously. It's lonely sometimes to write, and hearing from you makes these nights easier for me.

In conclusion, Ghost seems to have weaker search engine performance than my previous Hugo and WordPress iterations, and unique page views and visitors have decreased.

However, readers are more engaged – you can see this from the bounce rate and average time spent on the page. With the feedback I have received, I find this more rewarding personally than plain page views.

So while using Ghost and writing “newsletters” has been a significant change for me compared to blogging, I will stick to my current path.

In 2022, I will be doubling down on Ghost. While I don't have enough subscribers to justify moving to the next tier (from Starter to Creator), the improvements are focused on my quality of life. Unfortunately, I have to set up these improvements – custom themes and custom integrations. However, this automation is vital if I post more than a week on different channels. I believe automation is something I would like to write about on this blog.

What am I reading now?

In early editions of this newsletter, I mused openly about what to write and how to write. What exactly is a newsletter, and how does it fit in the whole scheme with a blog post? Should there be a regular one? Should I send an email of my post or direct readers to the website?

I also tried new things like video posts. I even wondered whether having a virtual office is an exciting avenue to meet readers and write content is meaningful.

The main problem is that I wasn't convinced that the effort matched its impact. I have a limited amount of writing time, so I have to prioritise. A regular post with roughly 5 mins reading time takes a few hours over 1 or 2 days to research and write. A video post would take longer than that – I am still not very good at recording and editing efficiently. Working on a video post would reduce the time to write a regular post.

Furthermore, this paradigm is still one post at a time. If the post I am working on fails to materialise this week, there is no post. (This occasionally happens, like this week where my post on the death penalty went kaputt)

I don't think I have found the answer yet, but I will not stop trying. In 2022, I hope to figure out how to write thematically rather than a post. Thematically , because I have good ideas that aren't easy to compose in one post, I must rethink the various mediums I can use to express the points effectively.


That's it for this newsletter, and that's it for 2021.

Oh wait, there's still one more resolution I have for 2022. This one is probably the most challenging.

A few months ago, I took a personality test as part of my career development. It told me that I am very introverted, like within the top 1% of a population.

I feel there are some issues with assessing one's personality using a questionnaire. However, I am aware of how my personality manifests in my behaviour. I rather sit down than express an opinion in public. I don't post much on my social media profiles, even though I have some thoughts. I rarely post fun content on the blog on social media. Maybe it's not appropriate. Perhaps no one will like it.

This lack of effort to promote this blog is hurting it.

Of course, personality is not destiny, and my resolution for 2022 will not be about being a social media whore. This is not about selling myself out.

Instead, the goal is to get 50 subscribers for this blog in 2022. It's not an impressive number. I hope to convince every subscriber that they are part of something special here. Part of that effort includes getting that word as often as I can.

That's it!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Please do take some time to fill in the Subscriber Survey. I will see you again soon (probably in the week of 10 January 2022)!


Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu

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October is drawing to a close, and so the end of the year is almost upon us. It's hard to fathom that I have been stuck working from home for nearly 20 months now. Some countries seemed to have moved on, but I doubt we'd do so in Singapore. Nevertheless, it's time for reflection and thinking about what to do about the future.

What I am reading now

The Importance of Being AuthorisedA recent case shows that practising law as an unauthorised person can have serious effects. What does this hold for other people who may be interested in alternative legal services?Love.Law.Robots.HoufuAn in-depth analysis of a rare and recent local decision touching on this point.

CLM Simplified: Efficient Contracting for Law Departments : Bassli, Lucy Endel: BooksCLM Simplified: Efficient Contracting for Law Departments : Bassli, Lucy Endel: BooksLucy Endel BassliI earn a commission from purchases made with this link.

  • Do you need a lot of coding or technical skills to use AI? This commentator from Today Online highlights Hugging Face, Gradio and Streamlit and doesn't think so. So have we finally resolved the question of whether lawyers need to code? I still think the answer is very nuanced — one person can compile a graph using free tools quickly, but making it production-ready is tough and won't be free. I agree more with the premise that we need to better empower students and others to “seek out AI services and solutions on their own”. In the Legal field, this starts with having more data out there available for all to use.

Why you don’t need to be an expert to use AI any moreKeeping up with the latest developments in artificial intelligence is like drinking from the proverbial fire hose, as a recent 188-page overview by two tech investors Ian Hogarth and Nathan Benaich would attest.TODAYonline

Post Updates

This week saw the debut of my third feature — “It's Open. It's Free — Public Legal Information in Singapore”. I have been working on it for several months, and it's still a work in progress. I made it as part of my research into what materials to scrape, and I've hinted at the project several times recently. In due course, I want to add more obscure courts and tribunals, including the PDPC and others. You can check the page regularly, or I would mention it here from time to time. I welcome your comments and suggestions on what I should cover.

That's it!

Family Playing A Board Game. An Asian family \(adult male and female and two adolescents, male and female\) sitting around a coffee table playing a board game. Photographer Bill BransonPhoto by National Cancer Institute / Unsplash

At the start of this newsletter, I mentioned that November is the month to be looking forward. 😋 Unfortunately, for the time being, I would be racing to finish articles that I had wanted to write since the pandemic started. This includes my observations from playing Monopoly Junior 5 million times. You can look at a sneak peek of the work in my Streamlit app (if it runs).

In the meantime, I would be trying the weights and cons of using MongoDB or SQL for my scraping project. Storing text and downloads on S3 is pretty straightforward, but where should I store the metadata of the decisions? If anyone has an opinion, I could use some advice!

Thanks for reading, and feel free to reach out!

#Newsletter #ArtificalIntelligence #BookReview #Contracts #DataMining #Law #DataScience #LegalTech #Programming #Singapore #Streamlit #WebScraping

Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu

Feature image

Everything changed about the pandemic — we now work from home, learn from home, and attend video conferences rather than phone calls or face to face meetings. Some of this is weird, but some of this is even weirder. One example of the latter is that I have become more used to seeing myself on the screen.

What does this mean for the blog? I will be exploring how to make videos to write posts. This is not a change I would have expected in June when I moved to Ghost. (Certainly, Ghost's membership functions have made it easier to convince me that the effort to learn and produce will be worth it.)

I originally believed that video posts take a lot of effort to create but are also lame. (I read faster than I watch someone.) Now, I have come to believe it can be more fun and engaging. So, you might hear my voice and see my face soon. I ain't a handsome fella, so please don't be turned away!

I know how to do it technically, and the equipment should not be difficult to get. I will be experimenting, though, so hang on.

What I am reading now

  • I am a big admirer of Suffolk Law School's LIT Lab. I might be biased because they pervasively use docassemble, a free and open-source LegalTech tool. During the pandemic, they have managed to take docassemble further and write a law review article about their experience. It's an encouraging story about building community and marshalling disparate resources for access to justice (A2J). I believe Open Source was an important factor in its success, so hopefully, it is a blueprint for other labs.

Digital Curb Cuts: Towards an Inclusive Open Forms EcosystemIn this paper we focus on digital curb cuts created during the pandemic: improvements designed to increase accessibility that benefit people beyond the populatiSee all articles by Quinten Steenhuis

  • What in the world is Moneyball? It's a strange story whereby a baseball team followed the data by hiring players based on their statistics rather than traditional indicators like reputation and overachieved. Can this be applied to hiring and retaining law firm associates? Legal Evolution suggests it can, but that's not what's interesting about the story. You will read about the intransigence of law firm leaders in the face of data, and you'd be convinced of the importance of leadership in innovation. This is especially the case where the results can be counterintuitive, upsetting, or confusing to leaders. On the other hand, I am sure a law firm leader will be willing to employ “sabermetrics” to achieve the best team on the cheap.

Moneyball for law firm associates: a 15-year retrospective (257) | Legal EvolutionPretty much everything was a counterintuitive curveball. In April of 2006, more than 15 years ago, I wrote a memo to file that would go on to exert aLegal EvolutionBill Henderson

TechLaw.Fest 2021TechLaw.Fest 2021TechLaw.Fest 2021

  • I have always wondered whether I should get Singapore Corporate Counsel Association membership. Quite frankly, the only benefits I see so far are the self-satisfaction of belonging and the somewhat discounted LawNet subscription. Here's something else to consider: the “First” Technology Law Course in Singapore from SCCA. It looks pretty, but I can't find the module details... oh wait, here it is. Since technology law is prevalent and not well taught in law schools (at least during my time), this will be of interest if you need to pick up some substantive knowledge.


  • If you think it's ridiculous to cough out nearly $2,000 for a bunch of recorded videos (that's why I'm getting in the video business, baby!), you can wait a little longer for a book. It's coming out in October. The introduction to the book outlining its contents is available if you surrender your personal details. Its coverage is definitely broad, so it's useful for fun reading. That's about the only reason why I would get it. It's the second book in Singapore regarding the substantive legal issues of technology, along with several tomes of books on data protection. I am exhausted. Really.


I finally managed to do some housekeeping and write a featured post containing all the content I have worked on for PDPC Decisions. I know it's not easy to find the “journey” on the website, so hopefully, you will have a better experience.

Post Updates

As mentioned above, videos are coming to this blog. I haven't decided exactly what kind of content should be in a video. However, I am sure that any tutorial or long-form video will be a full member's privilege. It takes away the vexing question of whether I have to “lock up” posts to provide value to full members and what kind of posts should be public. As I said, I am experimenting with this model, so I will be changing as I go.


I am using my laptop to obscure the mess on my table.

That's it for this newsletter. Maybe there's a chance you will see me in a video for the next one.

(For curious subscribers, there isn't a “swag” shop for this blog. However, if you would like a shiny sticker on your laptop, you can email me with your details, and I can send one for free to you.)

#Newsletter #COVID-19 #docassemble #TechLawFest #TechnologyLaw #DataScience #Singapore

Author Portrait Love.Law.Robots. – A blog by Ang Hou Fu